Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Chill Ass Interview with Jacob from the Canadian Grind band Detroit

1. Alright guys, give me a background about the band- what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do yo play it?

Only other bands I remember Isaac and Emmett playing in are Suicidal Cop and The Afflictions. They were along the lines of hardcore punk one could say, not quite grinding. I remember my first ever grind show was Bloody Phoenix like 3-4 years ago. Slowly after thought I caught onto to what it is and have been hooked since. It’s heinously fun and stupidly awesome all at the same time. Most other types of “music” can’t compare anymore now that I’ve come to enjoy the blasting noisy shit that is grind and pv and what not.

2. who's in the band.

Myself who is Jacob doing vocals. Emmett aka helmet smashing guitars every now and then. And Isaac aka Isuck aka Isaacsucks wrecking drum kits.

b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise

There is tons of grind out there that rules but there are bands that stick out, to name a few: Suffering Mind, Warsore, Sea of Shit, Deadpressure, Excruciating Terror, Vaccine, Insect Warfare, All the Squamish BC bands, Cave State, In Disgust and so many more that I could name!

c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?

I use whatever mic is handed to me at shows, Most recent gear I remember the other dudes having is Isaac’s shitty set at my house with a tightened as fuck high tom for a snare, other hand-me-down parts and what not including most of a kit from Aaron from THC. As for Emmett he has some sorta LTD I think and also a pink Squier Strat from The Starving Musician in San Jose.

3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?

I write lyrics that range from heinous experiences I’ve had or just fictional ones sometimes (that of violence, ignorance, partying, selling and or doing drugs). It’s pretty much humans that get me rattled and get the feeling with grind. There is so many of us out there pulling the most heinous lowlife shit and fucking each other in countless numbers of ways. Rather than be a huggin hippy wasting my time trying to brainwash everyone with love I’d rather be making awful noise having a blast with my friends doing hoodrat shit haha.

4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how d0 they accept grind?

We’re located in Edmonton Alberta Canada. The grind scene here is slowly but surely on the uphill because of the larger amount of attendance and involvement that at least I’ve noticed over the past few years. We have a sweet outdoor spot with no rules and no heat from anyone so it’s the ultimate party spot for anyone even if they can’t get down with the noise so one could say it is fairly accepted from a decent amount of people haha.

b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?

I’d love to play with Suffering Mind, Excruciating Terror, and heck maybe one day even Three 6 (Da Mafia Six) since MDFL managed to do it. There’s lot’s out there I’d be stoked to play with but those ones come to mind first.

5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band?

I play in a crust/doom band called BongLord. Isaac plays in Hyperemesis (gore), Paleface (hxc punx), Horrendous Miscreation (mince) and that’s all that I can remember right now maybe there’s more. All I can remember for Emmett is Snuff Garrett (blues rock)

b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?

Sete star sept all the way

6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area?

During the summer having shows at the grove is the go-to. It’s an outdoor spot in the river valley that gets no heat so it’s the most ideal spot. I had the best time ever when Archagathus and Hatred of Humanity played in Clint’s basement with a mattress running people over and pushing people into the ceiling riding on top of the mattress.

7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when?

Only tour I’ve done was this past may/june hitting up the Midwest, east coast, and the west coast. Most fun I’ve ever had. I want to go back to all the same places but also hit up more south as well like Memphis and Atlanta and Texas and stuff. I’m down to go anywhere new. Heading south in the winter would be the best because they don’t freeze their asses off down there.

8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?

Splits with Robocop, Skuff, thedowngoing, No Fucks Given and some others I can’t remember. Detroit has been a band for like 3-4 years I think. I only joined recently in the new year and I’m the 5th singer there has been for Detroit haha. Upcoming 7” split with Suffering Mind and talks of splits with Deadpressure, Corporal, and an etown vs. Chicago split.

9. how do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?

Emmett recorded our most previous release in all live in my basement so it’s pretty raw. A guy named Matt sometimes mixes and or masters some Detroit recordings. I don’t mind a higher quality recording but definitely not over produced.

10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?

Tour as much as possible, make more heinous songs, try not to get besmirched, stock up on butter, besmirch Isaac, shotgun beers, eat shit on a skateboard, cry into a bucket of ice cream, cuddle cats, smash stuff and most importantly staying as pure and virgin as possible.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Great interview with Jerry Flores from Bloody Phoenix!

I'm a huge old fan and I've been wanting to interview you because you've had a lot of influence in me engaging grind and staying committed! How did all this start for you? What led you to eventually form Excruciating Terror? Then you transitioned to another flawless amazing band Bloody Phoenix. What ideas, influence and thought process lead to forming BP?

 Hey thanks a mil for the kind words Jose, it is humbling to think I influenced someone through the music I play. As far playing goes, it was a natural progression. When I was young learning to play, my friends and I were always looking for something faster, more intense, heavier. Whether it was what we were listening to or trying to play. I didn’t start ET. ET was a band for about 2 years before I joined. Though some of us see it as two different bands that shared the name. The original line up with Mando and the line up with me. Anyhow, … I had another band at the time. We were headed in different directions though so I decided to leave. I didn’t have a car at the time so getting to Pasadena where we rehearsed was always a hassle. So there was ET a band of my friends that I went to High School with from my neighborhood. I called Martin and told him I was joining the band lol. He said cool. I thought I would be joining an actual band, joke was on me as it was only Martin. Everyone else had left. So we threw out everything and started from scratch. As for BP. Well after ET came to a halt I decided to take a break from playing seriously. I had planned to just take it easy for 6-12 months or whatever it was. About 3-4 months into it Mike comes over and knocks on my door. I didn’t really know Mike. He was a kid who lived a couple of houses up from Martin. I knew his older brother. Anyhow,.. he asks if I wanted to jam. I asked him if he could play. He lied and said yes lol. So I told him to show up Saturday. I then shut the door on him. I was probably watching football and I don’t like to be bothered when I’m watching lol. So I guess I had enough of being idle. Simple as that.

b) What do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?

Our lyrics cover a lot of ground. Drug abuse, corruption, basically human stupidity. From religion to politics to etc etc.

c) Did you learn music professionally or had technical music schooling?
 I went to a music school after high school.

2. The guitar work, it's fucking flawless. Through each release you do, the harmony, technicality and punch is stone cold on the money and harsh. What influences you in your guitar writing process?

Thank you. Though it’s honestly far from flawless. I hear every little thing that’s not suppose to be there haha. I’m my own worst critic. When writing I try not to think about it. I just let what comes out comes out. I rarely have a plan or steps. I feel things out and go where it feels best and sounds best to me.

3. I notice you guys constantly tour around the world, play so many festivals, how do you guys get job flexibility?

We don’t. We either quit our jobs or get shitty ones where they have no choice but to allow us to do what we want. Our 2 newer members have union jobs and well they are set as long as they give their advance notices.

4. Who's currently in Bloody Phoenix? What were some of the bands that influence Bloody Phoenix? What kind of equipment do you guys use?

Mike and I are the originals. Amelia who briefly toured with Resistant Culture has now been playing for us for about a year and a half. Our newest member is our vocalist Charlie. He’s a transplant from Portland. He used to play drums for Knelt Rote(awesome band). As for influences. I can’t really say there are any direct bands that influence us as any and everything we hear, see, influences us. Equipment. I have my ol reliable ESP guitar and play out of an old Carvin x100b head. I usually play out of two half stacks but my 2nd head went up in flames during a practice. I’ve not had the money to buy another since. I’ll have to remedy that sooner than later. Amelia plays an ibanez bass. Plays out of either her GK or Ampeg head through an ampeg cab. Mike has his ol beat to hell drum set. I think it’s some sort of Tama set or made by tama.

5. Where are you guys located for those who might not know? How's the scene through your eyes locally? Do you think they accept grind?

We are based in Montecito Heights in North East LA though Mike now lives in Lincoln Heights, Charlie in Highland Park, and Amelia in San Pedro. The scene here locally in LA seems to be divided more than in previous years. There are scenes within scenes. LA is LA though. Up and down. Grind is a bastard. It’s like a bad word to most. I think it’s cause of what is considered grind these days. Today it’s just bad death metal. I don’t like my band to be labeled as grind.

b) Any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with, you've practically played with them all, but there might be some stones left unturned?

Oh yeah,… always bands I’d like to see live. Heratys, Poikkeus, Napalm Raid, Truncheons, Peace Bastard,.. etc I couldn’t care less about playing with bands I want to see live, I just want to see them.

6. Where do most shows happen in your area? What has been the best memorable show in your area?

I'd love to know more about those historic shows you've had in the past!
Since East 7th stopped having shows most are either at Los Globos or the 5 star bar. Ugh. LA needs a new DIY spot asap. As far as past shows. Hmmm,… the dust bowl in Highland Park was historic. Never has there been so much dust in the air. No one escaped that show clean.

7. Where else, or where would you like to tour again?

Man I want to tour EVERYWHERE! And I’d like to go EVERYWHERE we’ve toured again! I love it all.

8. List your releases. How long have you guys been a band? How long have you been a musician in general? Do you play any other genres either than grind? Do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?

s/t 7”
Split 9” w/System Shit
War, Hate, & Misery LP
Split 10” w/Black Hole of Calcutta
 Death to Everyone LP split 7” with Question Ode To Death LP

We’ve been a band since October of 2001. I’ve been playing for 30 years? I have played other genres of music. And yes some releases are planned. Our split 7” with Seitan should finally see daylight within the next few weeks. After that, a 4 way split LP with Lycanthropy, Nausea, Skunk. It just keeps going.

9. How do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?

Bass, guitar, drums record together. I add a second guitar later then vocals. The sound I’ve actually sought after has always eluded me. I prefer a raw recording. Not just any raw recording, it has to be the right kind.

10. What are some of your bands/ personal goals or outlooks for the future?

Tour, record, tour record. Keep on keeping on. There’s no better way to see the world than with your band mates. Everyone should do it. It should be mandatory.

11. Any links to your music?

Don’t have any posted personally. Just youtube us. All our stuff is up there I think.

b) Any upcoming shows?

We might do a benefit before the year is over but outside of that I don’t think we’ll be doing anymore shows til’ next spring. Time for us to lay low before our next tour.

You have an interesting music history Jerry! I'm really honored and excited for this interview! From playing Expression of Pain back when I was at young teen, to playing Deadfest a few years ago with Bloody Phoenix, I continue to be influenced and amazed, keep fucking grinding man!

Thank you very much Jose. I appreciate it. I’m just some guy from LA who had to beg his parents for his first guitar. To have influence on anyone with the music I’ve made is beyond anything I could have imagined possible growing up. Thank you.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Insane Interview with Dylan Disgustor 666 from Nekro Drunkz!!

Alright Dylan, give me a background about Nekro Drunkz- what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do yo play it?

DISGUSTOR666:     Jose, You sick bastard!!! Thanks for asking, Funny story! Well there I was at Mr. Peeps jack shack booth on 82nd ave and I was rooting through the trash cans looking for used tampons and maxi pads but was striking out left and right, but then i finally found a few good ones and i was walking out with flies swarming all over me when this curly headed dude stopped me and said - " Hey are you taking all the good ones? You better leave some for me fucker" . I Noticed he was wearing this Anal Blast shirt and turns out it was the legendary Bay City Sicko: Crystal Seth!! We decided to drop the feminine hygiene products and pick up some instruments and Formed the Nekro Drunkz in 2008. We got into grind through bands like The Meatshits, Anal  Cunt, Anal Blast, Fornicator, Repulsion, Exhumed, etc.
Grind is the best!! Ferocious, In Your Face, Violent, Do whatever the fuck you want, sing about whatever you want, hate eveything, drink all the beers, Extreme vomit party!!!!

2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?

DISGUSTOR666: We Got the one and only CRYSTAL SETH on Guitar and pushing out logs of feces from his mouth (i guess called vocals??) and Me! The Disgustor - Dumping Drums and Yelling!! As far as equipment, I have no idea what my drums are, and i dont really know what Crystal Seths shit is... He likes to play sharp guitars, he just bought a Tube Head!! LOUD n PROUD!!!!

3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?

DISGUSTOR666: Main influences are Alcohol and Lewd sexual acts!!! We write about all sorts of disgusting shit, menstrual blood cocktails, diarrhea fountains, eating the shit out of people, putting gravel in someones jar of jelly so when they put it on a piece of toast and eat it it busts all their teeth out, Andrew Dice Clay, Pro Wrestling, And the bands listed above.  We get really pissed at all the WIMPY ASS metal and grind in our area/the world. No grind bands are playing riffs around portland, instead doing the wall of noise  horse shit with their big ear gauged butt holes!! Lots of wimp metal bringing candles and glade plugins on stage - that shit make me laugh while iam taking a crap!!!!! ONLY EXTREME IS REAL!!!!!!

4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how d0 they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?

DISGUSTOR666: We are from Portland Oregon!! The Strip Club Capitol Of The World! Everyone hates us & thats fine cause we hate them too!! Macabre is coming in October and we are going to play the show, that is our all time favorite band!!! We are flying to New Jersey to play with the legendary Squash Bowels and Dr. Shrinker also in october!

5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?

DISGUSTOR666: Crystal Seth and I play in Cemetery Lust - some fukked up death thrash bullshit! And Crystal also plays in Torture Rack, the most macho death metal band on the west coast... try to tell them other wise and see what happens, they've been doin steroids since they were in diapers!!!! Anal Cunt is the best noise grind band....maybe the Meatshits...

6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there?

DISGUSTOR666: We have played everywhere in Portland. Recently got banned from Slabtown because my song intros are too extreme and vulgar, but the ban was lifted so we could play with Macabre, I had to bribe the venue with money as we are both rich as hell!!! Dont go to Seattle unless you want to catch ringworm!!! Theres some good sons of bitches up there tho, Chronic Tomb, Exogorth, Warpvomit, Trepanation, Peristalsis, Slutvomit, Astraes Pestis, Cauterized... basically all the same members of each band getting fucked up out of their heads and making different music, you have to respect that!!! Other Scenes? I keep hearing about this Rape Scene thats going on....ive yet to see it, but it must be all the rage because its in all the headlines!

7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles?

DISGUSTOR666: We will tour in out fukkers!!!! We will lay waste and wipe our dirty rumps all over your towns!!! Definately looking forward to playing in L.A. hope there is some violence, we will bring some weapons!!!!

8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?

Some Demos from 2008/2007
Split with Pus
Split with Grim Raper
Split with Larry David
"Tyrants Of Toilet Music" 30 song full length just released june 2014.
Split with Deboned (canada)
And we have confirmed splits coming out with The Mentors and Schnauzer and we will do another full length album in 2015. And Schlong-sleeve shirts coming for the winter time!!!! OH!

9. how do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?

DISGUSTOR666: We record at the Legendary Extractor Studios in Beaverton Oregon. Full pro studio carnage!!!! Lo-fi is good, but we dont have anything to record our selves with, so we just hit the pro studio and lay down the sexual rhythms for all you degenerates!!!

10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?

DISGUSTOR666: Tour in 2015 - new full length - and then die probably!!!
DISGUSTOR666: I run a record label called Headsplit Records here is the link: and is the contact for the label and for all nekro drunkz related shit! You can get our full length album "Tyrants Of Toilet Music" for $8.50 paypal to!! Or from Diabolic Force, Hells Headbangers, Red Stream, etc. Thanks for the time Demons!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Interview with Patric from MDFL!!

Alright Patric, give me a background about MDFL- what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do yo play it?

2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?

3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?

4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how d0 they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?

5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?

6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there?

7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles?

8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?

 9. how do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?

10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?

11. Any links to your music? b) Any upcoming shows?

1. MDFL was the first project either of us had been involved in when we started when we were fifteen. We initially started out as a four-piece but eventually moved to the current two-piece lineup and never looked back. I wanted to play something that reflected what I had been listening to/writing and wanted to play something with a lot of energy. We had always gone to see death metal bands but wondered why everyone stood around brushing their hair. We continue to play it because we have been having a blast on tour and playing with our friends that come through Cleveland.

2. The current lineup is Jon on Drums and me (Patric) on guitar and vocals. This lineup is much more focused than any previous incarnation of the band. Jon and I have grown up with each other and we are besties. I use a Jackson RR5 guitar which I love and a Peavy XXL Head, Jon uses an old inherited Mapex kit. Other than my guitar we are very low budget.

3. My playing style is influenced strongly by death and thrash metal, I like doing tight chuggy partys. Jon’s playing style is influenced by the act of battery and likes breaking floor tom heads. I don’t write lyrics but dealing with real life and stupid people influences my desire to play grind. 

4. We are located outside of Cleveland Ohio. We mostly run the grind scene here, I book and operate the Taxidermy Palace on the east side of the city which is where 99% of grind in Cleveland happens and is occasionally tolerated. Some other awesome fast bands from our area are Grin and Bear It, Lord Farquaad and Leech Bed. We have played with so many awesome bands but I still have yet to play with Pancreatectomie from Columbus and Violent Gorge from Winnipeg (who we just released a split with).

5. I currently play guitar in Sulphuric Blood (beastial death metal), MHL (trapped out cybergrind), bass in Tartar Control (heady punkers), as well as DJ as PBAPES. Jon and I have also recorded other projects as Dehumanizer and SUCKGHEY SS. I think a perfect noisegrind sound is the one on Arsedestroyer’s Teenass Revolt. I would like to experiment with different recording styles.

6. Most shows (that we play) happen at my friends house The Taxidermy Palace and we’ve had some awesome memorable shows with Backslider and Hemdale that I won’t forget where the entire floor has been transformed into a wrestling match.

7. We have toured 4 times now, with our most recent being throughout Canada after Fastcore Fest which was so much fun. We love going through the Midwest because the routing is very easy and there are so may awesome bands. I think touring Asia would be fucking rad. We will forsure be in California next June, we are excited to see LA for the first time!

8. We put our first Demo out in 2011. Our releases: Demo Esoteric Assault MDFL/Water Torture/Foiled/Hideous Form MDFL/Violent Gorge Coming soon (available online): MDFL/Chainsaw Squid/Drug Mule/No Fucks Given 7” and MDFL/Grin and Bear It 7” ss Flexi Disc.

9. Our friend Marcus that lives at the Taxidermy Palace has recorded our last three splits and definitely knows what he’s doing. He is big into real production so we’ve gone his way and I’m very happy how the most recent tracks turned out, very scion-friendly. Our older material has very rough noisy production, I would like to try to do some 4-track recordings myself but haven’t taken the time to get a setup or anything. I dig all production styles.

10. We are going to be doing a comprehensive US tour Summer 2015 that I will start planning soon, I would really like to check out a lot of places in the US still and want to visit the awesome friends we made throughout our last tour! Other than that I would love to play out of the country again and get some material released!

11. We keep our Facebook updated with any tour dates. Hope to see you next summer!

Brandon talks about SBR and Acid Feast in This Interview!

1. Alright guys, give me a  background about the band - what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do you play it?
- Drew (Drums) and I played in SatanicBloodRitual (SBR) for almost 4 years. Starting as a full band playing old-school hardcore basically. After dropping our guitar player and just sticking with drum and bass, began playing more blasts. It was our first band. And all we wanted was to play as fast as we could really. I'm also in GUNK with Austin (SBR Vox) which it another drum/bass that we did for fun, while Poppa Drew was taking care of his newborn baby. Jimmith has been in numerous bands that I probably couldn't name them all.. Hahaha but when I met him he was/is in EXOGORTH which is one of my favorites here in Seattle. Chronic Tomb and Mole Bowl as well. All unique in their own way with Jim playing either guitar or drums. I like playing grind because its gnarly, never boring, I can play fast, and make stuff thats challenging and fun to play.
2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?
- Jimmith - Guitar/Vox - Drizzy - Drums/Vox - Me - Bass.. - I've always been influenced by 80's hardcore, RKL, Ill Repute, Dead Kennedys.. etc..but what really gets me is watching locals and outta town bands. I try and watch every set and just see what peoples different styles are/ eqipment they use/ techniques.. - I play a Epiphone Thunderbird Bass out of a Mid-80's Peavey 1x15 Combo. With a Japanese issue Fender Distortion pedal from the early 80's, its for a guitar, but it doesn't take away as much low end as others do and its LOUD!.
3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?
- We don't have any lyrics, just titles, all gore themed.. same with the artwork.. I think what gets us going is playing with really good bands and wanting to follow up there set with another.
4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how do they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?
 - South Seattle, WA. The scene is pretty small here.. usually the same 30 or so people unless we get touring bands, then more people seem to come out, which is cool and happens pretty regularly. I really wanna see Grinchfinger, Couple Skate, and Bob Plant.. I know there's more but off the top of my head that's it.
5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?
 - Drew: SBR - Jim; Exogorth, Mole Bowl, Chronic Tomb - Me: SBR, Gunk, Acid Feast is my main focus band right now. I think we found our style which we started getting towards the end of our Demo. I dont think I would wanna be anything different than that.
6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there?
- There's the Meat Suite, which is also where we practice, a house with a basement style jam space.. FBK House, Which is another basement pad in South Seattle.. The Josephine in Ballard.. Not a legit venue but one of my favorite places to play, its big, I can smoke there, and we can get a good crowd going. Also the site for NWSPEEDFEST this October!! So you'll see why I like it so much soon enough.. There are some bars we could probably play at but.. ehh Drew would get kicked out for being underage once we're done playing and fuck that hahaha.. Other than that houses have come and gone and they hopefully always will.
7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass shows, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles?
- We've never toured, except Jim, but have plans to with Bob Plant early 2015 down the west coast and back if everything goes right!! Hook it up!! haha
Jose- Hell ya! I'm always down to help you guys with shows!
8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?
- We've been a band since the end of October 2013. Our first show was on NYE a few months later. We currently have a 2014 DEMO out, not sure how many left though.. and a Split with Horrendous Miscreation (Edmonton) coming out soon! Not sure if it'll be cassette or wax yet. We're about to record next weekend for our 3rd release, a 4-way Split with Girth, Inconsiderate Roommate, and Hyperemesis. We have a lot of other bands that are interested in splits.. Bob Plant would be one, before tour.
9. How do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?
 - For our 2014 DEMO I did the recordings with a BOSS Digital Studio, the thing was pretty cool, but i sucked at operating it. which is why the DEMO was really blown out and noisy. We liked it but it wasnt on purpose.. and we said fuck it, its just a demo.. for the HM Split, we just used a field recorder, which worked great! it picked up sound really well while still being dirty. and I liked live recordings better. More raw and straight to the point. what you're hearing is actually how we sound live I love it.
Jose- Fuck ya man! Love that live recording field recorder sound! I actually do want to record a split or release with one soon!
 10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?
- I want to put out as many releases as we can, get our first tour going, see homies agian, and see as many killer bands as possible.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Interview with Jimmy about Exogorth and Acid Feast

I'll post the questions I asked first, answers are in numerical order of what Jimmy wrote back. This guy is an amazing person, this whole group whether it may be the Exogorth guys or the Acid Feast crew, I'm really glad I got to do these interviews first. Here's what he wrote!

Alright Jimmy, give me a background about the band- what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do yo play it?
 2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?
 3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart? 
4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how d0 they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with? 
5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like? 
6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there? 
7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles? 
8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?
 9. how do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer? 
10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?

1. Before grind, I was involved in seattle hardcore, but after awhile I sorta stopped playing in bands.  A couple years later, I found myself looking for faster and faster music constantly and eventually started Exogorth with a co-worker in 2009. We were listening to new shit everyday during closing hours at the local Hollywood Video. Then Nick from Thrashmouth Recs. asked us to join his 100 band "Grind yer Head in" compilation. Since then, its been nothing but writing, recording, and playing shows whenever possible with any of my projects. 

2. For Exogorth, I've always tried combining classic mince grind with some evolved elements of hardcore/pv. The bands I'm influenced by the most for writing Exo stuff have been Superbad, Graf Orlock, Unholy Grave, Iron Lung, Dahmer, Spoonful Of Vicodin, Ringworm, Goner, Sakatat, etc. I run guitar through a Peavey bass stack and then use a 4-piece Sonor kit. all my recordings are field recorder-to-lap top since i never really cared to learn anything more advanced. For acid feast i play any of Brandon's guitars through a shitty Ibanez head. 

3.  My influences for writing Exogorth have been classic sci-fi films, comics, and shit that i can't even believe exists that deserves a song. I try to represent my favorite characters or concepts through the tunes and write the unofficial soundtracks. For example our split tape w/ Nekro Drunkz exclusively features audio from the movie Hell Comes to Frogtown. And then our s/t 7" is based of the 1988 police training video "Surviving Edged Weapons", as a tribute to a training video with out-dated, flawed advice for surviving blade attacks. We omitted the title because there's a lot of audio ripped from the film. For Acid Feast, Drew's the idea guy. I change my style of high's to better fit his gored out lows, but like exogorth there are no actual lyrics. 

4. I live at the Meat Suite on Beacon Hill, we practice, record and do shows here. The grind scene is pretty much here in South Seattle, though we play shows downtown or on Capitol Hill from time to time. House shows/ keggers in Georgetown or Beacon are my favorite, and The Josephine in Ballard is an old theater some punks rented out for killer shows as well. Grind in Seattle is not that big at all though. In fact if shows don't get booked through any of us, then they end up at a bar with metal bands or a hipster club with hardcore bands. Some bands I'd love to see roll thru are Grinchfinger, Agitate, DSM, Girth, Violent Gorge, Satan's Dealer, Powercup, Total Hipster Crusher 

5. Other than Exogorth & Acid Feast, I'm also in Chronic Tomb, Mole Bowl, and Slugged. 
b)  Perfect noisey/ lo-fi sound is Goner!

6.  FBK House, The Josephine, The Meat Suite. Last year's Speedfest was the most memorable, it was at the meat suite & fbk. As far as other stuff in Seattle it's all bigger than grind, especially the Hardcore scene. But i don't know about noise and other scenes outside of Punk, Metal and HC. There used to be Methfest which was a grind/noise fest, but since they stopped doing it, there hasn't been a real harsh ass fest which is why I'm trying to get Speedfest going annually. 

7. Exogorth has toured the U.S. with Totes Brute (Seattle, WA) on 2 occasions and then once down the west coast earlier this year with Misanthropic Noise (Hartford, CT). Acid Feast is currently working on a first tour for 2015. We would like to go to the mid west but i think the first one will be another west coaster. We will definitely continue to hit you up for l.a. shows man, every time I'm down there, it's the biggest show of our tour! You guys are a big inspiration for what we're trying to accomplish here in Seattle. 

8. Exogorth discog is: 2009 demo mini cd, Exogorth 7", split tape w/ SnakeHeadFish, split tape w/Abandonment Issues, split tape & 7" w/ David Carradine, split tape w/Nekro Drunkz, split 7" w/Bangsat, split tape w/ Gezora, split mini cd w/RxTx, split tape w/Sorcerer Torturer, and then 3 compilations. Acid Feast so far has a demo and a split w/ Horrendous Miscreation. I have put out most of the releases on my labels Incursion Rec. and RainCityGrindcore, but I have had support on vinyls from Grindfather Prod., Witch Bukkake Rec., and Opaqus Rec. 

9.  I've recorded a bunch of different ways for Exogorth. All 3 vinyls were recorded in actual studios, but the tapes and split mini cd I did field recorder-to-lap top. The demo was done on a desktop with a single mic line. The Acid Feast demo was recorded on Brandon's analog mixer and then the split is field recorder to lap top. Whenever i record i'm just trying to get the most out of garageband after capturing the audio. its just naturally a little noisey i guess. I think if i had the ability to fuck with better programs and try to make things sound noisey i'd just fuck things up, so this method will do for now 

10.  Goals for Exogorth are to get back to recording! Its been a year to the day since the last release came out. Before I injured my hand falling on a glass bottle i was overwhelmed with side projects, so my goal is to resume Exogorth for phase 2. For Acid Feast our goals are to tour and keep writing. I want both bands to stick around for a while and to continue playing the true blast filth we love! Thank you Jose for the opportunity to discuss Northwest grind and share a little about my bands and goals. Hope to see you soon and please bring one of your many killer bands to Seattle as soon as possible!! 

Jose:  In response and kind of an update: Ya Jimmy, one of my bands recently got together and we're jamming again, we'll definitely try to see what's up with the Northwest next year! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Interview with Drew from Acid Feast!!

Jose (Strictly Underground): Alright Drew, give me a background about the band- what other bands did the members play in/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind?
 Drew:  Alright, well we are a three piece from south of Seattle (Beacon Hill).  Jimmy-Guitar\Vo­­­x, Brandon- Bass and me on drums\vox.  Jimmy also plays in Exogorth\Mowl Bowl\Chronic Tomb and a newer grind\fastcore project Slugged, Brandon and I don’t have a ton of time for other projects due to work etc.. Grindcore is all about having fun with your friends and playing the noise that we love! 
Jose: What are the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use?

Drew:  My main influences are mainly the old Greats that came before us, (early Napalm Death, Gore beyond Necropsy, Last days of Humanity, Rot, Fear of God, Agathocles… etc.).  But I'm also really into European\Japanese HC\D-beat, gore grind, noise core and old school 90s gangster rap. Oh and for drum gear I play a DW 4 piece kit with a 18” Zildjian big ping ride and two 14” Stagg crash cymbals. 

Jose:  What are your influences towards the band? What do you guys write about, what really gets you grind mode, or gets you pissed and makes you really want to tear shit apart? 

 Drew: Our influence towards the band is GORE. No lyrics, No bullshit.  It's just me and Jimmy doing low gutturals and rat screams. Just shredding with homies Blasts and D-beats FOREVER. 

 4.  Where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how do they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with? 

Drew:  We’re from Seattle, and the scene here is pretty small but we still have killer DIY house shows that have great turn outs. I'd say a good amount of the “scene” accepts grindcore\punk but I'd say half are really in to it and the other half just thinks they are haha. Bands im really looking forward to playing with or seeing someday are: Grinch Finger, Archagathus, Paucities, Couple skate, Agitate, and Parfumerie…plus a shit ton more! 

 b) What would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like? 

Drew: WORLD from Japan or F.O.G. 

 6. Where do most shows happen in your area? What has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there? 

 Drew: We have three main places. We usually play the Meat Suite (Jimmys house where AFx jams) FBK(george town) and the Joesephine. 

7. Have you guys toured? Would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass shows, you can almost call every show i've thrown a fest, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles? 

Drew: All I'm going to say is we’ll be there soon. 

8. List your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases? 

Drew:  Right now we have a 2014 demo out on Incursion\Rain city grindcore and other diy distros, And a split with Horrendous Miscreation from Canada (Isn't out in distros yet). We’ve been a band since last October, 2013. Tons of upcoming releases tapes and 7s!

9. How do you guys record, or who records you? What quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? Which do you prefer? 

Drew: For the newest release we recorded with a field recorder and mixed it on a computer program. A good quality Lo-fi recording is the way to go. 

10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future? 

 Drew: To play killer shows, Do a few tours, and release split with bands all over
Greetings! Thanks for reading.  We started doing interviews of new grindcore and underground genres. To introduce ourselves. Well, I'm Jose, we book as Strictly Underground for Los Angeles County.  We've thrown a shitload of backyard, bar, venue shows. We're not your typical type of show bookers, our shows usually go in a festival like format and we invite as many bands to play and try to charge the minimum amount so everyone can enjoy the shit out of our shows regardless of your economic issues.  I started throwing shows when I was 15 in El Monte.  I was influenced by the grind/punk scene we had back in 98', 99', it was amazing! Such bands as Scum, Wargasm, Nukum, Terrorism, Necropolis, Progeria, Purgatoria, as well as the more well known grind like Excruciating Terror, Gasp, Plutocracy, Lack of Interest, Shut the Fuck Up, Man is the Bastard, and a ridiculous more. It was a great time to go out with your friends, wear the shirts, buy the 36 packs, walk down the block on a Friday or Saturday night afterschool, it was a fucking great time back then, every gig was off the chain! So now moving forward 15 years, I have brought that back, not in El Monte unfortunately, but Los Angeles cities where Grind used to happen back then too like South Central, Inglewood, Compton, Downtown, East LA, Silverlake and Hollywood.  Shit has cracked like the times before, and our greatest foe or number one opponent has always been the popo.  But we've still kept our culture alive. And now I'll stop jabbering and show you guys some interviews.