1. Alright guys, give me a background about the band - what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do you play it?
- Drew (Drums) and I played in SatanicBloodRitual (SBR) for almost 4 years. Starting as a full band playing old-school hardcore basically. After dropping our guitar player and just sticking with drum and bass, began playing more blasts. It was our first band. And all we wanted was to play as fast as we could really. I'm also in GUNK with Austin (SBR Vox) which it another drum/bass that we did for fun, while Poppa Drew was taking care of his newborn baby. Jimmith has been in numerous bands that I probably couldn't name them all.. Hahaha but when I met him he was/is in EXOGORTH which is one of my favorites here in Seattle. Chronic Tomb and Mole Bowl as well. All unique in their own way with Jim playing either guitar or drums. I like playing grind because its gnarly, never boring, I can play fast, and make stuff thats challenging and fun to play.
2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?
- Jimmith - Guitar/Vox - Drizzy - Drums/Vox - Me - Bass.. - I've always been influenced by 80's hardcore, RKL, Ill Repute, Dead Kennedys.. etc..but what really gets me is watching locals and outta town bands. I try and watch every set and just see what peoples different styles are/ eqipment they use/ techniques.. - I play a Epiphone Thunderbird Bass out of a Mid-80's Peavey 1x15 Combo. With a Japanese issue Fender Distortion pedal from the early 80's, its for a guitar, but it doesn't take away as much low end as others do and its LOUD!.
3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?
- We don't have any lyrics, just titles, all gore themed.. same with the artwork.. I think what gets us going is playing with really good bands and wanting to follow up there set with another.
4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how do they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?
- South Seattle, WA. The scene is pretty small here.. usually the same 30 or so people unless we get touring bands, then more people seem to come out, which is cool and happens pretty regularly. I really wanna see Grinchfinger, Couple Skate, and Bob Plant.. I know there's more but off the top of my head that's it.
5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?
- Drew: SBR - Jim; Exogorth, Mole Bowl, Chronic Tomb - Me: SBR, Gunk, Acid Feast is my main focus band right now. I think we found our style which we started getting towards the end of our Demo. I dont think I would wanna be anything different than that.
6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there?
- There's the Meat Suite, which is also where we practice, a house with a basement style jam space.. FBK House, Which is another basement pad in South Seattle.. The Josephine in Ballard.. Not a legit venue but one of my favorite places to play, its big, I can smoke there, and we can get a good crowd going. Also the site for NWSPEEDFEST this October!! So you'll see why I like it so much soon enough.. There are some bars we could probably play at but.. ehh Drew would get kicked out for being underage once we're done playing and fuck that hahaha.. Other than that houses have come and gone and they hopefully always will.
7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass shows, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles?
- We've never toured, except Jim, but have plans to with Bob Plant early 2015 down the west coast and back if everything goes right!! Hook it up!! haha
Jose- Hell ya! I'm always down to help you guys with shows!
Jose- Hell ya! I'm always down to help you guys with shows!
8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?
- We've been a band since the end of October 2013. Our first show was on NYE a few months later. We currently have a 2014 DEMO out, not sure how many left though.. and a Split with Horrendous Miscreation (Edmonton) coming out soon! Not sure if it'll be cassette or wax yet. We're about to record next weekend for our 3rd release, a 4-way Split with Girth, Inconsiderate Roommate, and Hyperemesis. We have a lot of other bands that are interested in splits.. Bob Plant would be one, before tour.
9. How do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?
- For our 2014 DEMO I did the recordings with a BOSS Digital Studio, the thing was pretty cool, but i sucked at operating it. which is why the DEMO was really blown out and noisy. We liked it but it wasnt on purpose.. and we said fuck it, its just a demo.. for the HM Split, we just used a field recorder, which worked great! it picked up sound really well while still being dirty. and I liked live recordings better. More raw and straight to the point. what you're hearing is actually how we sound live I love it.
Jose- Fuck ya man! Love that live recording field recorder sound! I actually do want to record a split or release with one soon!
10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?
- I want to put out as many releases as we can, get our first tour going, see homies agian, and see as many killer bands as possible.
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