Alright Dylan, give me a background about Nekro Drunkz- what other bands did the members play/ how did you get into grind/ what do you feel about grind, like why do yo play it?
DISGUSTOR666: Jose, You sick bastard!!! Thanks for asking, Funny story! Well there I was at Mr. Peeps jack shack booth on 82nd ave and I was rooting through the trash cans looking for used tampons and maxi pads but was striking out left and right, but then i finally found a few good ones and i was walking out with flies swarming all over me when this curly headed dude stopped me and said - " Hey are you taking all the good ones? You better leave some for me fucker" . I Noticed he was wearing this Anal Blast shirt and turns out it was the legendary Bay City Sicko: Crystal Seth!! We decided to drop the feminine hygiene products and pick up some instruments and Formed the Nekro Drunkz in 2008. We got into grind through bands like The Meatshits, Anal Cunt, Anal Blast, Fornicator, Repulsion, Exhumed, etc.
Grind is the best!! Ferocious, In Your Face, Violent, Do whatever the fuck you want, sing about whatever you want, hate eveything, drink all the beers, Extreme vomit party!!!!
2. who's in the band. b) what were the main influences band wise or people wise c) what kind of equipment do you guys use? drums guitar bass?
DISGUSTOR666: We Got the one and only CRYSTAL SETH on Guitar and pushing out logs of feces from his mouth (i guess called vocals??) and Me! The Disgustor - Dumping Drums and Yelling!! As far as equipment, I have no idea what my drums are, and i dont really know what Crystal Seths shit is... He likes to play sharp guitars, he just bought a Tube Head!! LOUD n PROUD!!!!
3. what are you influences towards the band? what do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?
DISGUSTOR666: Main influences are Alcohol and Lewd sexual acts!!! We write about all sorts of disgusting shit, menstrual blood cocktails, diarrhea fountains, eating the shit out of people, putting gravel in someones jar of jelly so when they put it on a piece of toast and eat it it busts all their teeth out, Andrew Dice Clay, Pro Wrestling, And the bands listed above. We get really pissed at all the WIMPY ASS metal and grind in our area/the world. No grind bands are playing riffs around portland, instead doing the wall of noise horse shit with their big ear gauged butt holes!! Lots of wimp metal bringing candles and glade plugins on stage - that shit make me laugh while iam taking a crap!!!!! ONLY EXTREME IS REAL!!!!!!
4.where are you guys located- how's the scene over there- how d0 they accept grind? b) any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with?
DISGUSTOR666: We are from Portland Oregon!! The Strip Club Capitol Of The World! Everyone hates us & thats fine cause we hate them too!! Macabre is coming in October and we are going to play the show, that is our all time favorite band!!! We are flying to New Jersey to play with the legendary Squash Bowels and Dr. Shrinker also in october!
5. what other side projects are your band members in or is this your primary and main focus band? b) what would be the perfect noise grind sound you personally would love to sound like?
DISGUSTOR666: Crystal Seth and I play in Cemetery Lust - some fukked up death thrash bullshit! And Crystal also plays in Torture Rack, the most macho death metal band on the west coast... try to tell them other wise and see what happens, they've been doin steroids since they were in diapers!!!! Anal Cunt is the best noise grind band....maybe the Meatshits...
6. where do most shows happen in your area? what has been the best memorable show in your area? b) how is seattle with grind or any other sub genre scene? what other scenes are there?
DISGUSTOR666: We have played everywhere in Portland. Recently got banned from Slabtown because my song intros are too extreme and vulgar, but the ban was lifted so we could play with Macabre, I had to bribe the venue with money as we are both rich as hell!!! Dont go to Seattle unless you want to catch ringworm!!! Theres some good sons of bitches up there tho, Chronic Tomb, Exogorth, Warpvomit, Trepanation, Peristalsis, Slutvomit, Astraes Pestis, Cauterized... basically all the same members of each band getting fucked up out of their heads and making different music, you have to respect that!!! Other Scenes? I keep hearing about this Rape Scene thats going on....ive yet to see it, but it must be all the rage because its in all the headlines!
7. have you guys toured? would you want to, where would you want to go, when? b) I've thrown some sweet ass, you can almost call every show i've thrown fests, with all kinds of grind here in Los Angeles. would you guys be down to some day join the fun here in Los Angeles?
DISGUSTOR666: We will tour in out fukkers!!!! We will lay waste and wipe our dirty rumps all over your towns!!! Definately looking forward to playing in L.A. hope there is some violence, we will bring some weapons!!!!
8. list your releases. how long have you guys been a band? do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?
Some Demos from 2008/2007
Split with Pus
Split with Grim Raper
Split with Larry David
"Tyrants Of Toilet Music" 30 song full length just released june 2014.
Split with Deboned (canada)
And we have confirmed splits coming out with The Mentors and Schnauzer and we will do another full length album in 2015. And Schlong-sleeve shirts coming for the winter time!!!! OH!
9. how do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?
DISGUSTOR666: We record at the Legendary Extractor Studios in Beaverton Oregon. Full pro studio carnage!!!! Lo-fi is good, but we dont have anything to record our selves with, so we just hit the pro studio and lay down the sexual rhythms for all you degenerates!!!
10. What are some of your bands goals or outlooks for the future?
DISGUSTOR666: Tour in 2015 - new full length - and then die probably!!!
DISGUSTOR666: I run a record label called Headsplit Records here is the link: and is the contact for the label and for all nekro drunkz related shit! You can get our full length album "Tyrants Of Toilet Music" for $8.50 paypal to!! Or from Diabolic Force, Hells Headbangers, Red Stream, etc. Thanks for the time Demons!!!!!
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