Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Great interview with Jerry Flores from Bloody Phoenix!

I'm a huge old fan and I've been wanting to interview you because you've had a lot of influence in me engaging grind and staying committed! How did all this start for you? What led you to eventually form Excruciating Terror? Then you transitioned to another flawless amazing band Bloody Phoenix. What ideas, influence and thought process lead to forming BP?

 Hey thanks a mil for the kind words Jose, it is humbling to think I influenced someone through the music I play. As far playing goes, it was a natural progression. When I was young learning to play, my friends and I were always looking for something faster, more intense, heavier. Whether it was what we were listening to or trying to play. I didn’t start ET. ET was a band for about 2 years before I joined. Though some of us see it as two different bands that shared the name. The original line up with Mando and the line up with me. Anyhow, … I had another band at the time. We were headed in different directions though so I decided to leave. I didn’t have a car at the time so getting to Pasadena where we rehearsed was always a hassle. So there was ET a band of my friends that I went to High School with from my neighborhood. I called Martin and told him I was joining the band lol. He said cool. I thought I would be joining an actual band, joke was on me as it was only Martin. Everyone else had left. So we threw out everything and started from scratch. As for BP. Well after ET came to a halt I decided to take a break from playing seriously. I had planned to just take it easy for 6-12 months or whatever it was. About 3-4 months into it Mike comes over and knocks on my door. I didn’t really know Mike. He was a kid who lived a couple of houses up from Martin. I knew his older brother. Anyhow,.. he asks if I wanted to jam. I asked him if he could play. He lied and said yes lol. So I told him to show up Saturday. I then shut the door on him. I was probably watching football and I don’t like to be bothered when I’m watching lol. So I guess I had enough of being idle. Simple as that.

b) What do you guys write about, what really gets you grinding, or gets you pissed and makes you really wanna tear shit apart?

Our lyrics cover a lot of ground. Drug abuse, corruption, basically human stupidity. From religion to politics to etc etc.

c) Did you learn music professionally or had technical music schooling?
 I went to a music school after high school.

2. The guitar work, it's fucking flawless. Through each release you do, the harmony, technicality and punch is stone cold on the money and harsh. What influences you in your guitar writing process?

Thank you. Though it’s honestly far from flawless. I hear every little thing that’s not suppose to be there haha. I’m my own worst critic. When writing I try not to think about it. I just let what comes out comes out. I rarely have a plan or steps. I feel things out and go where it feels best and sounds best to me.

3. I notice you guys constantly tour around the world, play so many festivals, how do you guys get job flexibility?

We don’t. We either quit our jobs or get shitty ones where they have no choice but to allow us to do what we want. Our 2 newer members have union jobs and well they are set as long as they give their advance notices.

4. Who's currently in Bloody Phoenix? What were some of the bands that influence Bloody Phoenix? What kind of equipment do you guys use?

Mike and I are the originals. Amelia who briefly toured with Resistant Culture has now been playing for us for about a year and a half. Our newest member is our vocalist Charlie. He’s a transplant from Portland. He used to play drums for Knelt Rote(awesome band). As for influences. I can’t really say there are any direct bands that influence us as any and everything we hear, see, influences us. Equipment. I have my ol reliable ESP guitar and play out of an old Carvin x100b head. I usually play out of two half stacks but my 2nd head went up in flames during a practice. I’ve not had the money to buy another since. I’ll have to remedy that sooner than later. Amelia plays an ibanez bass. Plays out of either her GK or Ampeg head through an ampeg cab. Mike has his ol beat to hell drum set. I think it’s some sort of Tama set or made by tama.

5. Where are you guys located for those who might not know? How's the scene through your eyes locally? Do you think they accept grind?

We are based in Montecito Heights in North East LA though Mike now lives in Lincoln Heights, Charlie in Highland Park, and Amelia in San Pedro. The scene here locally in LA seems to be divided more than in previous years. There are scenes within scenes. LA is LA though. Up and down. Grind is a bastard. It’s like a bad word to most. I think it’s cause of what is considered grind these days. Today it’s just bad death metal. I don’t like my band to be labeled as grind.

b) Any bands you're looking forward to or would want to see/play live with, you've practically played with them all, but there might be some stones left unturned?

Oh yeah,… always bands I’d like to see live. Heratys, Poikkeus, Napalm Raid, Truncheons, Peace Bastard,.. etc I couldn’t care less about playing with bands I want to see live, I just want to see them.

6. Where do most shows happen in your area? What has been the best memorable show in your area?

I'd love to know more about those historic shows you've had in the past!
Since East 7th stopped having shows most are either at Los Globos or the 5 star bar. Ugh. LA needs a new DIY spot asap. As far as past shows. Hmmm,… the dust bowl in Highland Park was historic. Never has there been so much dust in the air. No one escaped that show clean.

7. Where else, or where would you like to tour again?

Man I want to tour EVERYWHERE! And I’d like to go EVERYWHERE we’ve toured again! I love it all.

8. List your releases. How long have you guys been a band? How long have you been a musician in general? Do you play any other genres either than grind? Do you have any future releases, splits, or future thoughts or plans to do releases?

s/t 7”
Split 9” w/System Shit
War, Hate, & Misery LP
Split 10” w/Black Hole of Calcutta
 Death to Everyone LP split 7” with Question Ode To Death LP

We’ve been a band since October of 2001. I’ve been playing for 30 years? I have played other genres of music. And yes some releases are planned. Our split 7” with Seitan should finally see daylight within the next few weeks. After that, a 4 way split LP with Lycanthropy, Nausea, Skunk. It just keeps going.

9. How do you guys record, or who records you? what quality are you guys digging, the grind lo fi style, or do you guys go full on pro studio? which do you prefer?

Bass, guitar, drums record together. I add a second guitar later then vocals. The sound I’ve actually sought after has always eluded me. I prefer a raw recording. Not just any raw recording, it has to be the right kind.

10. What are some of your bands/ personal goals or outlooks for the future?

Tour, record, tour record. Keep on keeping on. There’s no better way to see the world than with your band mates. Everyone should do it. It should be mandatory.

11. Any links to your music?

Don’t have any posted personally. Just youtube us. All our stuff is up there I think.

b) Any upcoming shows?

We might do a benefit before the year is over but outside of that I don’t think we’ll be doing anymore shows til’ next spring. Time for us to lay low before our next tour.

You have an interesting music history Jerry! I'm really honored and excited for this interview! From playing Expression of Pain back when I was at young teen, to playing Deadfest a few years ago with Bloody Phoenix, I continue to be influenced and amazed, keep fucking grinding man!

Thank you very much Jose. I appreciate it. I’m just some guy from LA who had to beg his parents for his first guitar. To have influence on anyone with the music I’ve made is beyond anything I could have imagined possible growing up. Thank you.

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